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Disc Golf

So what does disc golfing entail?

In case you don't know disc golf is simliar to golf as in you have an end goal in mind while trying to do so in the least amount of tries.

Just like in golf you have different clubs, in disc golf you have different discs that all have their own properties to the disc.

The object of the game is to start form the tee and make a disc into the basket in the least amount of throws.

You can even mix it up with certain challenges or game modes to play!

Safari entails throwing from one odd or even tee to the next odd or even tee, instead of the standard order.

Match play consists of just competing with your friends to see who can complete the hole in the least amount of throws, thus earning them a point, instead of just normally counting throws over the whole course.

You can even pick up a card game or dice that will influence how you play the game.

I picked up disc golf in October due to a friend and have fallen in love with the sport.

It's realtively cheap to get started.

It's a more laid back sport but can still be done competively.

Theres always something to learn and its pretty easy to pick up.

Of course if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me or I'm sure Google can help
